Wednesday, August 25, 2010

90 percent of executed prisoners’ bodies stolen

Chair of the NA's Legal Committee Le Thi Thu Ba

In this post, I would like to talk about the draft Law on Enforcement of Criminal Verdicts which presented at the ongoing National Assembly session. It also indicated that 90 percent of executed prisoners' bodies have stolen. The reason why I chose this article as a politics news is because it is a strange information. I never heard about this thing before. For Vietnamese, it might not be an unusual news for them. However, this draft law were presented on May 24.

In the news article, it was noted by Chair of the NA's Legal Committee Le Thi Thu Ba. She said after the prisoner being executed, the families of the death punishment will try every way to steal the bodies. In some provinces of Vietnam, the number of bodies that had stolen is up to 90 percent. Also, many NA deputies in this context said that the bodies of death penalty prisoners should be given back to their families. Therefore, the dead bodies of gangsters should not be released. The National Assembly deputies were debated on the relative merits of various forms of capital punishment such as firing squads, lethal injections or the electric chair. They also dicussed on the most humane way of execution, espectially the use of lethal injection firing squads or a combination of both ways. Recently, the death sentence is carried out by a firing squde, but the use of it puts undue pressure on law enforcement officers and the families of prisoners. Moreover, the legal injection was widely used in many countries, easily to carry out, and less costly. it would be at least a year for law enforcement officails to work out procedures for lethal injections. However, Dong Thap's deputy Nguyen Huu Nhon came up with aonther option which a condemned person's choice of using electric chair. Overall, the draft law had fail to mention forms of punishment for prisoners because it continued violating in the law. Lawmakers also discussed the labour and products made by prisoners as well as the treatment they needed when they completed their sentences.

Form my view point, I think all of the death punishment are violent. We should ban this action. Even it will cause less pain for the prisoners, it still cause people to death. To compare with Thailand, we doesn't have this kind of punishment for a long time. Because we think that this death discipline is not the best way to punish people. Most of the gangsters and murderers are not punish to death but we will keep them in the prison until his last breath.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leaders pay tribute to fallen combatants

In this post, I would like to talk about the commemorated fallen heros and combatants to mark the 63rd War Invalids and Martyrs Day in Vietnam. This news article is about the politics of Vietnam. There were many leaders from the differences group such as from the Party, State, Government, National Assembly and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee (VFFCC) came to this commemorated. However, the reason why I choose this article is because this memorial celebration is very important to Vietnamese. They gave a priority to people who is martyrize for the nation. Even they passed away for a long time, they are still in every people mind.

In the article, it was said that all of the leaders from differences group were came to commemorate fallen combatants and heroes on July 27. They all laid wreaths and offered incense at the monument in Hanoi. They were included Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, State President Nguyen Minh Triet, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong and VFFCC President Huynh Dam in that place. Moreover, they went to late President Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum to pay tribute. In the same day, Vietnamese mothers opened the exhibition of more than 100 paintings featuring heroic in the presence of State President Nguyen Minh Triet. All of the paintings were selected by female painter, Dang Ai Viet, from a total of 266 portraits. While she was traveled through 18 cities and provinces from February 19 to June 26. Ai Viet thoroughly understands the losses and pain caused by the wars because she is a former soldier. In addition, she regards her journey as her way of showing her thankfulness and repaying a kindness of Vietnam's heroic mothers. Furthermore, the President praised the exhibition as a special and significant way of marking War Invalids and Martyrs. He also gave a nice speech to Vietnamese women who lost their women in the wars for more detail you can Click Here. Over all, Vietnam recognizes almost 50,000 heroic Vietnamese mothers who devoted themselves to the nation during the wars against French and US aggressors and around 5,000 of them are still alive.

From my view point, I think this commemoration was a very admirable celebration. I know that every country also have this ceremony. However, I believe that this way of showing gratitude to the heroes and martyrs was the best way for us to do. For Thailand, we also have Veterans' Day or Wan Thahan Phan Suek in Thai. It is a commemorates for the founding of the War Veterans Organization of Thailand. This ceremonies are hold at Victory Monument on February 3 of every year.

Apartment buyers feel sick watching dollar rise

Due to the situation today, money is the most important factor for human being. People need money to survive and buy things. In Vietnam, the dollar price increasing sharply to 19,500 dong now, so it makes the apartment more expensive and expensive in dong. For this post, I would like to talk about an increase in the amount of dollar that has made apartment buyers feel sick. The reason why I choose this news is because almost of people around the world are faced with this problem.

In the news article, it was said that the raising in dollar price has made investment in apartment less attractive. Son who bought an apartment at Vet Kieu Chau Au Village project now he is scheduled to make a third phase payment of it. His payment has increased by tens of millions of dong. Even though the quoted charge of the apartment is in dong, the developer of this project set the price based on the dollar. They had lost tens of millions of dong because the dollar price has been increasing continuously from 18,600 dong to 19,300 dong and then 19,500 dong. However, the laws currently stipulate that all transactions in Vietnam must be carried out in dong. The real estate developer still ignored this laws and resolute quoted prices in dollar. For example, the apartment at Indochina Plaza in Cau Giay district are offered at $2800 per square meter, Royal city $2000, Park city $3300. A representative of a real property in Hanoi mention that price quotations in dollar attract to the secondary market, where buyers want to sell dollar price in following with the price quoted by commercial bank. On the other hand, the sellers want to set dollar price based on the black market which is higher than the banks' price. To sum up, Deputy Director of the Price and Market Research Institute under the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Vu Dinh Anh observed that the problem called 'dollarization' - meaning the dollar could be used as a second currency in Vietnam.

In my opinion, I think the government should solve this problem as soon as possible because the rate of dollar price are continuing to increase. Most of Vietnamese could not pay their rental in dollar price. Therefore, Vietnam's government should strictly control the estate developers to follow the laws. To compare with Thailand, we dose not have a problem in this case. We use only Thai unit of currency, baht, to buy and sell. However, dollar price will effect only to Thai people who doing business with other country.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Vietnamese manufacturers called ‘still clueless’ about consumer taste

Since the world of business is more competitive today, everything is changing so quickly. It is not only a price that change frequently but also the user taste. In this post, however, I would like to talk about Vietnamese manufacturers which their customers called them as 'still clueless' about consumer taste. The reason why I chooses this news article is because this news is interested me. In addition, the informations in this news are important for the producer to consider before lunching a new product.

In the article, it was said that there are many reasons why Vietnamese product do not sell well at home. The basic problem may be a disconnect between what producers need to sell and what consumers want to buy. Vu Kim Hanh, a Director of the Business Studies and Assistance Centre (BSA), indicated that the three weak points of Vietnamese goods are not varied in design, manufacturers do not study consumer tastes, and after-sales service is still poor. Moreover, another consumer gave a comment on Vietnamese product that if their soap companies understood customers need, they would buy it. Although the Chinese goods are generally regarded as lower quality, the product designs frequently change. According to BSA's Kim Hanh, multinational business do consumer testing which is very important but Vietnamese do not do it. Furthermore, foreign manufacturers will always test the market, give away trial samples, collect opinion, and modify their products before launching every a new product. For a kitchenware maker business, Dang Chi Hung said that it takes up to five months to lunch a new product into the market, but it is not including the time for making survey. However, when the result of surveys came out, it makes them very confused because hundreds of people are given difference opinions. Therefore, enterprises could not produce what consumers want. The consumers tend to buy foreign-made goods.

From my view point, I think the manufacturers should take a good care of their customers rather than thinking about how much profit do they make. In order to develop their design, the producer may have to think about consumers need first. Also, the advertisement are important too. It can be caught consumers attention. To compare with Thailand, most of Thai people are considered to the name of the brand first without looking for the quality of product. Also, they will buy a goods that have higher price because they think it will be better than a lower one. Overall, I think it is not a good way for people to choose a product to purchase. We must concern about the quality instead of the name or the apparent.