Wednesday, August 25, 2010

90 percent of executed prisoners’ bodies stolen

Chair of the NA's Legal Committee Le Thi Thu Ba

In this post, I would like to talk about the draft Law on Enforcement of Criminal Verdicts which presented at the ongoing National Assembly session. It also indicated that 90 percent of executed prisoners' bodies have stolen. The reason why I chose this article as a politics news is because it is a strange information. I never heard about this thing before. For Vietnamese, it might not be an unusual news for them. However, this draft law were presented on May 24.

In the news article, it was noted by Chair of the NA's Legal Committee Le Thi Thu Ba. She said after the prisoner being executed, the families of the death punishment will try every way to steal the bodies. In some provinces of Vietnam, the number of bodies that had stolen is up to 90 percent. Also, many NA deputies in this context said that the bodies of death penalty prisoners should be given back to their families. Therefore, the dead bodies of gangsters should not be released. The National Assembly deputies were debated on the relative merits of various forms of capital punishment such as firing squads, lethal injections or the electric chair. They also dicussed on the most humane way of execution, espectially the use of lethal injection firing squads or a combination of both ways. Recently, the death sentence is carried out by a firing squde, but the use of it puts undue pressure on law enforcement officers and the families of prisoners. Moreover, the legal injection was widely used in many countries, easily to carry out, and less costly. it would be at least a year for law enforcement officails to work out procedures for lethal injections. However, Dong Thap's deputy Nguyen Huu Nhon came up with aonther option which a condemned person's choice of using electric chair. Overall, the draft law had fail to mention forms of punishment for prisoners because it continued violating in the law. Lawmakers also discussed the labour and products made by prisoners as well as the treatment they needed when they completed their sentences.

Form my view point, I think all of the death punishment are violent. We should ban this action. Even it will cause less pain for the prisoners, it still cause people to death. To compare with Thailand, we doesn't have this kind of punishment for a long time. Because we think that this death discipline is not the best way to punish people. Most of the gangsters and murderers are not punish to death but we will keep them in the prison until his last breath.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leaders pay tribute to fallen combatants

In this post, I would like to talk about the commemorated fallen heros and combatants to mark the 63rd War Invalids and Martyrs Day in Vietnam. This news article is about the politics of Vietnam. There were many leaders from the differences group such as from the Party, State, Government, National Assembly and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee (VFFCC) came to this commemorated. However, the reason why I choose this article is because this memorial celebration is very important to Vietnamese. They gave a priority to people who is martyrize for the nation. Even they passed away for a long time, they are still in every people mind.

In the article, it was said that all of the leaders from differences group were came to commemorate fallen combatants and heroes on July 27. They all laid wreaths and offered incense at the monument in Hanoi. They were included Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, State President Nguyen Minh Triet, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong and VFFCC President Huynh Dam in that place. Moreover, they went to late President Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum to pay tribute. In the same day, Vietnamese mothers opened the exhibition of more than 100 paintings featuring heroic in the presence of State President Nguyen Minh Triet. All of the paintings were selected by female painter, Dang Ai Viet, from a total of 266 portraits. While she was traveled through 18 cities and provinces from February 19 to June 26. Ai Viet thoroughly understands the losses and pain caused by the wars because she is a former soldier. In addition, she regards her journey as her way of showing her thankfulness and repaying a kindness of Vietnam's heroic mothers. Furthermore, the President praised the exhibition as a special and significant way of marking War Invalids and Martyrs. He also gave a nice speech to Vietnamese women who lost their women in the wars for more detail you can Click Here. Over all, Vietnam recognizes almost 50,000 heroic Vietnamese mothers who devoted themselves to the nation during the wars against French and US aggressors and around 5,000 of them are still alive.

From my view point, I think this commemoration was a very admirable celebration. I know that every country also have this ceremony. However, I believe that this way of showing gratitude to the heroes and martyrs was the best way for us to do. For Thailand, we also have Veterans' Day or Wan Thahan Phan Suek in Thai. It is a commemorates for the founding of the War Veterans Organization of Thailand. This ceremonies are hold at Victory Monument on February 3 of every year.

Apartment buyers feel sick watching dollar rise

Due to the situation today, money is the most important factor for human being. People need money to survive and buy things. In Vietnam, the dollar price increasing sharply to 19,500 dong now, so it makes the apartment more expensive and expensive in dong. For this post, I would like to talk about an increase in the amount of dollar that has made apartment buyers feel sick. The reason why I choose this news is because almost of people around the world are faced with this problem.

In the news article, it was said that the raising in dollar price has made investment in apartment less attractive. Son who bought an apartment at Vet Kieu Chau Au Village project now he is scheduled to make a third phase payment of it. His payment has increased by tens of millions of dong. Even though the quoted charge of the apartment is in dong, the developer of this project set the price based on the dollar. They had lost tens of millions of dong because the dollar price has been increasing continuously from 18,600 dong to 19,300 dong and then 19,500 dong. However, the laws currently stipulate that all transactions in Vietnam must be carried out in dong. The real estate developer still ignored this laws and resolute quoted prices in dollar. For example, the apartment at Indochina Plaza in Cau Giay district are offered at $2800 per square meter, Royal city $2000, Park city $3300. A representative of a real property in Hanoi mention that price quotations in dollar attract to the secondary market, where buyers want to sell dollar price in following with the price quoted by commercial bank. On the other hand, the sellers want to set dollar price based on the black market which is higher than the banks' price. To sum up, Deputy Director of the Price and Market Research Institute under the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Vu Dinh Anh observed that the problem called 'dollarization' - meaning the dollar could be used as a second currency in Vietnam.

In my opinion, I think the government should solve this problem as soon as possible because the rate of dollar price are continuing to increase. Most of Vietnamese could not pay their rental in dollar price. Therefore, Vietnam's government should strictly control the estate developers to follow the laws. To compare with Thailand, we dose not have a problem in this case. We use only Thai unit of currency, baht, to buy and sell. However, dollar price will effect only to Thai people who doing business with other country.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Vietnamese manufacturers called ‘still clueless’ about consumer taste

Since the world of business is more competitive today, everything is changing so quickly. It is not only a price that change frequently but also the user taste. In this post, however, I would like to talk about Vietnamese manufacturers which their customers called them as 'still clueless' about consumer taste. The reason why I chooses this news article is because this news is interested me. In addition, the informations in this news are important for the producer to consider before lunching a new product.

In the article, it was said that there are many reasons why Vietnamese product do not sell well at home. The basic problem may be a disconnect between what producers need to sell and what consumers want to buy. Vu Kim Hanh, a Director of the Business Studies and Assistance Centre (BSA), indicated that the three weak points of Vietnamese goods are not varied in design, manufacturers do not study consumer tastes, and after-sales service is still poor. Moreover, another consumer gave a comment on Vietnamese product that if their soap companies understood customers need, they would buy it. Although the Chinese goods are generally regarded as lower quality, the product designs frequently change. According to BSA's Kim Hanh, multinational business do consumer testing which is very important but Vietnamese do not do it. Furthermore, foreign manufacturers will always test the market, give away trial samples, collect opinion, and modify their products before launching every a new product. For a kitchenware maker business, Dang Chi Hung said that it takes up to five months to lunch a new product into the market, but it is not including the time for making survey. However, when the result of surveys came out, it makes them very confused because hundreds of people are given difference opinions. Therefore, enterprises could not produce what consumers want. The consumers tend to buy foreign-made goods.

From my view point, I think the manufacturers should take a good care of their customers rather than thinking about how much profit do they make. In order to develop their design, the producer may have to think about consumers need first. Also, the advertisement are important too. It can be caught consumers attention. To compare with Thailand, most of Thai people are considered to the name of the brand first without looking for the quality of product. Also, they will buy a goods that have higher price because they think it will be better than a lower one. Overall, I think it is not a good way for people to choose a product to purchase. We must concern about the quality instead of the name or the apparent.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Foreign sea leases deprive locals of living

Nha Trang Bay

Nha Trang City, Van Phong Bay

Van Phong Bay

Talking about environment, Vietnam is one of twenty five countries to possess a high level of biodiversity. It is mean that this country are riches in natural resources. However, I would like to talk about foreign enterprises which leasing water space in central of Khanh Hao Province has cut off the chance of local people to make a living from the sea. The reason why I choose this news article is because I think it is not fair for the local people. They also have a right to use their local area to run a business.

In this news article, it was talking about foreign countries such as Japan, Taiwan and Norway mostly have signed the firms of 20-years leases for more than 1,000ha of water in Van Phong Bay to raise oysters and fish. Moreover, foreign enterprises have leased thousands hectares of water for tourism and shipbuilding in Van Ninh and Ninh Hao districts. Many of local people have struggle to access the coast. Also, they have asked the provincial Natural Resources and Environment Department to lease part of the coast for their own business but most of them have been failed. In addition, only co-operative and businesses were permitted to leases water area because they were participated in large-scale production. For the local co-operatives, they were allowed to lease water space for business reasons only. According to that, local citizens were rarely given permission to lease area because they are usually engaged in small-scale production. Furthermore, it is easily affected by natural disasters and hard for local authorities to manage. Therefore, permission for foreign businesses to lease coastal areas had deprived local people of the right to earn a living.

As I see it, I think the government should give local people a chance to lease water space because that water areas are not only a places for foreigner businesses. The local people also need their native land to reside and rises oysters and fish. Although their businesses are produced in small scale, the government should give some opportunities to local citizens. To compare with Thailand, we do not have a contract to rent water spaces for foreign businesses. However, most of foreign businesses are like to buy local areas which located near to the seaside. The local citizens also like to sell their own land to the foreigner because they give native people a lot of money. In order to have more right to buy lands, they married to Thai people. Therefore, most of the resorts and apartments in south of Thailand are own by foreign businesses.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Billionaires in online games

Characters in Vo Lam Truyen Ky.

In the world today, everything is completely different from the olden days. We have all new technologies and facilities which help us convenient. Owing to those technologies,
most of the modernists think that money can buy happiness. In this post, however, I would like to talk about game players who have spent million of million dong to buy virtual weapons in the online game called Vo Lam Truyen Ky(Swordsman). In fact, I never ever heard about this news before. Therefore, I think it quite weird for people who do not like to play computer games such as me. So, this is why I choose this new article.

In the article, it was said that the price of a character in Vo Lum Truyen Ky, the online game that based on Chinese stories about the world of martial arts, may reach a billion dong or $55,000 now. There is a competition among this game players ,and anyone who owns this ring will be the winner. The bonus for the champion was a virtual "Mystical World" ring. However, it was priced at 700 million dong of cash ($39,000). In addition, this virtual world may weird and funny to people who do not play Vo Lam Truyen Ky. Also, this article stated about a 60-year-old gamer who always get up early to play this game. Although, he had to go to the countryside where is no internet connection. He still woke up early to made a phone call to his son to playing this games for him. After he spending a long period of time to play t
his game, Hong That Thu, the name of his character in Vo Lam Truyen Ky, has become the top ten fighters who owns special tools. For the total costs, he had already spent 20 million dong ($1000) for this character and equipment. Finally, there were many of gamers who purchased around 250 million dong ($14,000) to 1.2 billion dong ($63,000) of cash on the weapons to enhance their characters martial art skills.

As far as I am concerned, I think it is too much for one people to spend a million of money on a virtual things like game online. It may value for them ,but it can make them become game online addicted. For Thai people, we also have game online which encourage to buy weapons and equipment for their character. However, it does not cost so much money like Vietnam's game online.In short, money is everything for people in this situation ,and it also equal happiness.

Vo Lam Truyen Ky

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dump stench leaves hospital feeling sick

At the present time, some people may think about hospital as the first place they can go when they get sick. Then hospital is a place where people can get back to good health. In this post, however, I would like to talk about stench from a rubbish dump behind northern Bac Ninh Province's Luong Tai District Hospital that made both patients and staff ill. The reason why I choose this news article is because this misery situation is happened near a very important place. Hospital should be the cleanest place which protected from the bacteria, isn't it?

In this news article, it was said that the wastes from Thua town were delivered by numerous garbage trucks to the dump of about 6,000 sq.m. everyday. This 10-year-old dump is about 35km. north of Ha Noi. Patients and staff that stayed in the hospital had to suffer the fetid smell. Furthermore, the garbage dump also attracted swarms of flies that carried the threat of disease. The hospital deputy director Pham Van Vu said that he have asked the Thua People's Committee to remove the dump numberless times since 2006 but his requests have been ignored from them. In addition, the hospital statistics show that about 300 patients are examined and treated at the hospital each day. Moreover, the number of pregnant women it admits each year is almost 2,000. Because of the fetid smell they often leave the hospital early after they have given birth. Therefore, the plan of 36,000-sq.m landfill at another site of the town which put to the provincial People's Committee by Nguyen Dang had been rejected because it failed to meet environmental protection standards. The People's Committee was now assessing another place for a new rubbish dump. Although the complaints of both the hospital and local residents had been received from Thua People's Committee, the committee was also awaiting instructions from the provincial People's Committee which show to how to deal with the problem.

In my opinion, I think it was a really serious problem that the committee should solve this problem as soon as possible. It is happened for 10 years already. Moreover, the dump is very close to the hospital which have many ill people stay in there. This garbage dump also caused many disease which carried from flies of garbage. To compare with Thailand, I haven't heard anything about the rubbish dump near hospital before. But most of the dump stench are causing problem to the people who stay near to the river. Because they always throw the rubbish into the river. Over all, Thai's government are also encourage people who stay near to the river not to drop any wastes into the river.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

HCM City proposes to ban online games

Nowadays, the new technology such as internet, computer, telephone and cars are became a part of everyone life. I think the most important technology for human being is internet. We always use it to connect with other people from difference country. It is very useful. For teenagers, it can be useless if they use in the wrong way. In this post, however, I would like to talk about online game business that cause evil effects to many young people in Vietnam. The reason why I choose this article is because almost of games online now are become more and more violence. We should take a serious look at it.

In the article, it was said that Ho Chi Minh City Chairman Le Haong Quan has sent an urgent dispatch to Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to regulate the development and import of online games for their harmful effect. The city suggest that the government should order the Ministry of Information and Communications to collect and make public standards which rate the violence level of online games. However, the ministry could reconsider already licensed online games and accept only games that do not involve violence, gambling or pornography to continued circulation. What's more, new games need to be rate strictly and assessing the social impact before allow licenses. In order to encourage playing game online, the government should support a ban on advertising online games similar to ban on alcoholic beverages and tobacco advertisement. Moreover, online games should be completely banned from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. The game players must be allowed to play only three hours a day. Finally, the big city such as Ho Chi Minh and other big cities must join the council for appraising the content of new online games because it have so many game players. It is estimated that 2 to 3 million young people play online games in Vietnam.

From my view point, I think it is necessary for the government to take part in this problem. It can be say that this is a serious problem for young Vietnamese because games online are effected to them the most. Similarity, Thai young people also games online addicted. Most of the time when I passed internet cafe I will saw many of young people playing game online. They are not only played in the break time or after school but also in the whole day. However, we should encourage young people to do other activities or sport rather than playing games.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vietnamese pop becomes more banal

Korean style: Young singers prefer performing lightweight
pop at major shows and concerts as an easier way to attract

Nowadays, you can be say that the most popular style of music in Asian country such as China, Vietnam, and Thailand is probably be Korean style. Because this style are so new and attractive to the teenagers in this generation. The artists appearance are also made audience follow up, however, the musics are not so good. In this post, I would like to talk about pop music that is getting banal and banal day by day in Vietnam. Most of the musician are copied other country style of music ,so people are complaint against. Finally, the reason why I choose this news is because I'm also the one who is opposed to it.

First of all, it was said that young musicians and producers are getting a litany of complaints against their musics because their works are too love-heavy and lack gravitas. Moreover, young musicians now prefer to make soft music about loneliness and unrequited love. Also, some singer and their producers boast that they have discovered new genres but it turn out to be copies from American and Korean. It's okay to learn from foreign countries but Vietnam is a country that preserve national characteristics. Then the local musicians should choose songs that suitable to the country. However, Composer Quang Hai said he like new trends by young musicians like Vinh Tien and Le Minh Son in Ha Noi and producers Nguyen Van Chung and Duc Tri in HCM City. Furthermore, he complained love songs and sentimental lyrics that dominate the music market are increasingly coming under fire from tired musicians and listeners. Four years ago romantic creations by newcomers like Duc Tri, Phuong Uyen, Vo Thien Thanh, and Thanh Tam given a fresh and exciting dimension to the music scene. Along with pop singers Thu Minh, Thanh Thao, Lam Truong, and Tuan Hung, they fostered the development of the music and CD markets. In addition, They used folk music and pop to attract young and old fans alike. But the time have change. Fans have begin to write in to TV and radio station to complain about the musics. Some of fans said romances has become tedious and they are tired of hearing young singers who are paid to cry for love.

From my point of view, I think it is true that we can learn from other countries. But it will be nothing if we copies their style and musics. However, everyone know that the producers do like this because they want to attract audiences attention with a new type of genres. For Thailand, almost of young pop singers are taking Koren ideas such as dancing style, rhythm, and clothing into their musics. Some Thai people are also complain with it because we can see in the first time that they are really copy Korean style. Finally, When I saw some of young singers music video, sometime I can't tell in the first time that what country is it from. It is exactly the same as Korean!!!!!!!

Where to find a dream- Yen Nhi

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Vietnam Idol says no discrimination against disabled contestant

Nguyen Son Lam (C) sits among
other Vietnam Idol contestants

To talk about entertainment media in Vietnam, some people may say that they are not good on this kind of industry. Because Vietnamese' actors and films are not so popular outside the country. Also Vietnam is a developing country which everything are going to be developed in the near future. However, it does not mean that they are not have any game show or interesting television program like another country. In this post, I would like to talk about a disabled contestant that participating in a popular singing competition in Vietnam. The reason why I choose this news because I also think that it doesn't fair for him. Even thought he is disabled, he also have a dream, too.

In the news article, it was say that the organizers of popular singing competition Vietnam idol rejected an allegation that Nguyen Son Lam, a handicapped contestant, was discriminated against during an audition on last month. They said in a statement cited by local media in this week that the argument between judge Siu Black and Som Lam was an emotional issue. In addition, the statement said when a contestant has overcome many difficulties to be allowed to sing, it is easy to understand that the contestant wants to succeed and go through to the next round. However,
Nguyen Son Lam said Siu Black told him that she was surprised with his performance, but she is so sorry that she can not let him go through because this competition is "not just about singing". Moreover, She spoke like if Lam competed in a contest for the handicapped, he would have won. What's more, Lam is a Agent Orange( a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas) victim. He is 28 years old that tall 83 centimeters and weighs 23 kilograms. Finally, Singer Siu Black, one of the three judges on Vietnam Idol, denied Lam’s accusation. She said what she actually told him was if in a show for the handicapped, he want to sing for everybody, he will succeed and everything will become clear when the tape is on air. Because of this problem, it makes the number of audition registrations increased more than 22,600 people from across country.

In my opinion, I think it was not fair for him at all and that judge should not say to the contestant like this. He also a human being. Lam participated in the contest because he want to show his ability to other people even he is disabled. That is why we must give them more opportunities
. To compare with Thailand, we have about two main singing contest that very famous and everyone want to be participate in it. However, it same like Vietnam. This situation also happened in here. The judges usually said that they need a real star which sing very well and good looking. Therefore, I disagree because it doesn't make sense. Why ugly people can not be a superstar.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No end in sight for Hanoi’s traffic woes

Most people that I know often said that you will be surprise with the amount of motorbikes when you first visit Vietnam. Some told me that walking in the streets of Vietnamese city can be dangerous. In this post, therefore, I would like to talk about the traffic congestion in Ho-chi-minh city which is the main problem now. After I read the articles, I have realized that the traffic problem in Vietnam is worse than Thailand. So, this is why I choose this news.

In the article, it said that The Vice Director of the Hanoi Police Department are trying to solve the traffic problem in their country. They are facing on many road traffic violation problems, for example using sidewalks and roads wrongfully, traveling on road without wearing helmets and running red light. But the most important problem is traffic congestion, it's cause traffic really mess in the Capital city. Also it likely to be continue from now until the end of this year. In additional, the increasing in number of new cars and motorbikes on the roads are also become the primary cause of this terrible traffic. Moreover, the projects that designed to help improve traffic flow, such as tunnels, flyovers and road have been delayed contributing. The buses and cars also added to congestion problems because they regularly drive in the wrong lanes which not only block traffic on both sides but also limiting motorbikes mobility. Finally, the city's Department of Transport and police were requested from The Hanoi Steering Committee 197 to focus on controlling traffic flow especially areas of heavy jammed and speed up the progress of construction in anticipation of the 1,000 year anniversary of Hanoi.

From my view point, I think the situation in Vietnam will be getting worse and worse day by day if their people still avoiding and breaking the rules. It is necessary to encourage people obey the traffic rules which will make greatly change in traffic problem. For Thailand, we are also forcing on this serious problem, but we only have terrible traffic mass in center of the town. The government are trying to build the skytrains and underground railways as much as possible. Moreover, many groups of Thai people are encourage other to travel by walking instead of cars. It is a very good idea, isn't it? :D:D

Vietnam traffic Intersection

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Black boxes ordered for heavy trucks, coaches

Have you ever heard someone say,"Safety First" in your life? For me, I have heard this word for more than thousand times. Also, I think it is a word that come together with everything in the world. So, in this post I would like to talk about the security of drivers and passengers in Vietnam. The reason why I choose this news is because it is a very important thing for us and we have to use it for our transportation in everyday life.

In this news article, it was said that the Ministry of Transport in Vietnam has ordered all of aboard heavy trucks and coaches to install a black box from July next year. This device are very useful. It is not only for the polices to detect driver transgressions but also records the vehicle's speed. In additional, the technical data it provides will help polices to understand the causes of traffic accidents. However, Mr. Cao Xuan Hong, The public Security Ministry's General Police Department chief, said the data from the black box would be used to punish traffic violations and investigate the cause of traffic accidents. For this device, it is really easy to install and highly secure. However, the driver could not interfere with it. The ministry would now work with the relevant ministries and agencies to issue a decree of this device ,so the coaches and trucks without the black box would be definitely put off the road.

From my point of view, I think it is a very good news for Vietnamese because it surely can be safe their life. This device are very useful and beneficial for them as well. On the another hand, it can be useless if the driver are not careful when they are driving. Comparing to Thailand, we have not has any idea of installing a black box in any of car yet. But I think the government will be consider about this in one day.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dreams of university education

Talking about education in Vietnam, it is a very important thing for this country. Most of the parents are expect to send their children to study as high level as they can. Even they have to sell their land and move to work at big city, they are able to do it. However, I choose this news because it was really surprised me when I read it. But I think it is unusual for country like USA or UK. Because their government are very supported and provide scholarships for the students.

In this news article, it was talking about the countryside families that have to sell their buffaloes, pigs and rices, and temporarily leave their farm work to big cities like Ho Chi Minh City, The largest city in Vietnam, for their children brighter future. And one of the family that he talk about is Le Thi Teo. She came to this city for first time to bring her daughter to took the university entrance exam. She and her daughter have spent 600,00 dong already and they have only 500,000 left. Now, they have no idea where they can earn money for the next if the have to stay here for another days. Moreover, she hope that her child will pass this entrance exam although she have to stay here in big city and work harder. In order to have enough money for her to sit the exam for HCM City Economics University, her mother has had to save money for a month which has only 500,000 and she had to borrow 600,00 dong from relatives. However, she will still try her best for the children. They also think that only knowledge can help they change their life.

As for me, I think the government should support their citizen because it is very important for developing country like Vietnam. If they want to become a developed country they should concern more about education. In additional, new generations people are need knowledge to make the dream of developed country come true. They should give more opportunities to their people, for example build school in rural areas. For Thailand, I suggest that we should also give our countryside people more opportunities to study. Most of their school are very far away form their house. They have to travel for long distant to go school. Finally, their parents think that why don't their children stay home and do work. So, that is why most of the countryside children are lack of knowledge.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Many students suffer from depression because of pressure to study hard

Since we are living in a competitive world, education become the most important factor for everyone. Most of the parent hoped that their children would have higher level of education than another people. Therefore, parents tried to force their children to study hard and get the highest score in class. Also, they give the big promised awards for their children if they can pass the famous school or university entrance exam. In short, the reason why I choose this news article is because it's an important thing that we should consider on. Almost every country of the world are face on this kind problem.

In this article, it talked about a student, name Cao Thi Xuan T, who attempting to end her life by the sleeping pills. She was born into a well-to-do family. T's parents hoped that T would pass the university entrance exams. Furthermore, they will award the LX motorbike, which cost more than one hundred million dong(or 169,128 Baht), for her daughter if she can pass it. This promised awards were very big, and it put a hard pressure on the children. T did not do well on her final exams. So, T's parents tried to force T to study hard, day and night. Everyday, she did not go to bed until two o'clock in the morning. Moreover, when T complained that she was too tried to read books, she got a good scolding from her mother. "You have to try to learn more and more. If you do not pass the exam, you will not only become miserable, but your parents will also feel ashamed to the neighbors. Try to learn if you still love your family," the mother said. However, T did not pass the entrance exam. She did not want to have meals and became close-mouthed. After that, T became aggressive and also had quarrels with her mother. T's parent were very worried about her daughter ,so they decided to install a camera in the daughter's room to keep watch over her. In contrast, it does not help anything. T took 10 sleeping pills to end her life. Now, she was hospitalized.

From my viewpoint, I think this story is very depressing. T was trying to escape from this terrible situation by herself. Not only she could not ask other people to help but also nobody give her a hand even her parents. However, it does not anyone fault. But we should keep this story in our mind and avoid it to happen again.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bodybuilder grabs top honor for fifth time

In this post, I would like to talk about one of the most successful Vietnamese athletes. His name is Pham Van Mach. Mach is a bodybuilder who grabs the honor so many times. He have an extremely beautiful shape. The reason why I choose this article is because he is an interesting guy who is a member of the national team and also a coach in his own gym. However, this kind of sport are not so popular in Thailand, that is why I choose that article.

Similarly to other athletes, Mach start to play this kind of sport because he want to improve his health. After he join the bodybuilding, he realized that it was his true passion. He started to take place in bodybuilding competition and won his first national title when he was eighteen. Moreover, His performances were so attractive to every audiences. Before becoming bodybuilder he had a career as a master of ceremonies which has contributed to his success today. Because this career help Mach to have a confidence on stage. Now, Mach is 30 years old and he feel really satisfied with his choice and will devote all of his life to it. Finally, this bodybuilder said that he would like to become a trainer to pass along all of his experiences to young athletes when he retire.

As for me, to talking about bodybuilding I think it doesn't only about a person who have a big muscle. But it is about healthy person who have a balance diet and really care of their health. So, I would like to honor Pham Van Mach as a good-hearted person because I like his idea that doesn't selfish at all. He would like to share his knowledge to all the young sports lovers. Furthermore, I think it's a good idea if everyone could share their experiences to other people. Finally, It will absolutely bring a good result in the future and the new generation children will become more successful. :):):)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Vietnamese second biggest football fans in Asia

Have you ever known that Vietnamese are the second biggest football fans in Asia Pacific? Is this information amaze you? I am the one who is really surprise in this survey. As you know, The FIFA World Cup 2010 recently finished and the winner is Spain!!!! All around the World are keep in sight on this football festival because this football matches are once every four years. This is why the number of football fans in Vietnam are increased. Finally, the reason why I choose this story is because it's such a unbelievable news that I haven't heard before.

In the article, it was said that Vietnamese are trailing only, the biggest football fans, Indonesians. This survey were concluded by The Nielsen Company. Also, It was indicated that 52 percent of Vietnamese saying they were fans of the games. At the final match which kick off Friday, it was shown that the number of FIFA World Cups football fans were higher than the traditional football fan base. However, The survey also found that 85 percent of Vietnamese World Cup followers would watch the games via live TV broadcasts.

From my point of view, I think we should be glad to all of the football players that they have so many fans which support their team. Even those teams were eliminated form this competition, their fans still supporting them. I surely know that when the football players read this article they will have more spirit and power to compete the next FIFA World Cups. :)